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Epic Code LAB1231437 UFH Anti-IIa

Important Note

  • This testing is only performed at Corewell Health Reference Laboratory West (CHRL-W, Grand Rapids) and Blodgett Immediate Response Laboratory (East Grand Rapids). All other locations, after processing the specimen, send to CHRL-W STAT.
  • Please alert CHRL-W Coagulation Department whenever sending an anti-IIa UFH for testing.
  • Collection of the blood through lines that have been previously flushed with heparin should be avoided.  If the blood must be drawn through a vascular access device, the line should be flushed with 5 mLs of saline and the first 5 mL of blood or six dead space volumes of the VAD discarded.

Test Name Alias

UFH Anti IIa | Anti IIa

Interface Order Alias


Quick Collect


Clinical Information

Recommend Anti-IIa testing when patient is transitioning from direct oral anti Xa therapy such as Eliquis, (Apixaban), and Xaralto (Rivaroxaban) to unfractionated heparin for a duration of 72 hours following last dose.  If renal impairment is noted extend time of use to 96 hours following last dose of direct oral anti-Xa.

Test not indicated if the patient is receiving low molecular weight heparin.  This test is not indicated for patients on Argatroban or Dabigatran.

Collection Instructions

Specimen Collection: Blood


Container(s): Blue top (3.2% Na Citrate

Preferred Volume to Collect: 2.7 mL (full 2.7 mL blue tube)

Minimum Volume to Collect: 1.8 mL (full 1.8 mL blue white tube)

Capillary collect ok: No

Microtainer acceptable: No


Collection Instructions:


Processing Instructions (Laboratory, Outpatient or Off-site collection)

  • Processed Specimen: Platelet Poor Plasma

  • Centrifuge/Spin: Yes

  • Aliquot: Yes

  • Detailed instructions (link): Preparing Platelet Poor Plasma
  • Separate plasma into 2 - 3 aliquots, minimum of 0.5 mL each.
  • Freeze aliquots in plastic transport tubes immediately.
  • Transport Temperature:

    • Ambient (up to 1 hour in whole blood state)
    • Frozen (plasma only >1 hours)
    • This testing is only performed at Corewell Health Reference Laboratory West (CHRL-W, Grand Rapids) and Blodgett Immediate Response Laboratory (East Grand Rapids). All other locations, after processing the specimen, send to CHRL-W STAT.

Specimen Transport Temperature


Rejection Criteria

  • Hemolysis
  • Specimen has been thawed
  • Quantity Not Sufficient (QNS)
  • Underfilled
  • Contaminated with heparin
  • Received outside acceptable time limits

Specimen Stability

Ambient whole blood state unspun 1 hour
Ambient spun 4 hours
Frozen at -70C 2 months
Frozen at -20C 2 Weeks 

Test Frequency

Available daily

Reference Range

0.30-0.70 IU/mL

 Please see Critical Values Table

Performing Department


Performing Department Laboratory Location

Corewell Health Reference Laboratory, Grand Rapids, MI

Corewell Health Blodgett Immediate Response Laboratory, East Grand Rapids, MI




This test was developed, and its performance characteristics determined by the Coagulation Laboratory in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at Corewell Health.  It has not been cleared or approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.  The FDA has determined that such clearance or approval is not necessary.  This test is used for clinical purposes.  It should not be regarded as investigational or for research.  This laboratory is regulated under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA) as qualified to perform high complexity clinical testing.



CDM Code


Epic Test ID





Reviewed Date


Last Updated Date


6/11/2024 - Methodology