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Epic Code LAB235 Gonococcus (Gonorrhea) Culture

Important Note

Gonorrhea molecular testing is preferred over culture when available. For genital, urine, throat, and rectal testing, see Gonococcus PCR (LAB1230887). Molecular testing may be ordered from ocular specimens using an APTIMA Multi-Test Swab collection kit, ordering a Reference Miscellaneous Test (LAB848), and indicating complete test name to be sent to a reference laboratory.

Test Name Alias

Culture Gonorrhea | GC Culture | 8893

Interface Order Alias


Clinical Information

Molecular testing, rather than culture, is recommended for sexual abuse cases.

Icons & Photos





Collection Instructions

Specimen Type: Genital (cervical, penile, urethral, vaginal), ocular (eye), oral, rectal, or throat


Preferred Container/Tube: InTrayTM GC media (Obtained from Microbiology Refrigerator; Off-Site locations please use the supply form and write in "InTray GC media")

Collection Instructions GC media:

  • Video: BioMed: How to Use: 2" InTrayTM GC
  • Allow the InTrayTM to warm to room temperature (Note: InTray should be stored refrigerated (2-25oC))
  • Manually pull the lower right corner (adjacent to the clear window) back so that the protective seal is completely visible.
  • Remove the seal by pulling the tab and discard. (Do not remove the white filter strip over the vent hole)
  • Inoculate the specimen by rolling the sample swab on the surface of the medium in a large “C” pattern for maximum transfer. For isolated colonies, Cross-streak with the sterile inoculation tool.
  • Before incubation, puncture the seal over the CO2 Chamber with the pointed objected.
    • Poke a small pinhole ONLY.
  • FIRMLY RESEAL the InTray™ by pressing the edges of the label and the plastic tray together.
  • Complete the label with patient information.
  • NOTE: After inoculation, open the InTray™ only in the performing laboratory.
  • Do not refrigerate. Transport to lab immediately (within 5 hours of collection)

Specimen Transport Temperature: Ambient


Acceptable Container: Eswab


Collection Instructions Eswab: Indicate source of specimen. Specimen is unacceptable if received without fluid or swab in the transport tube.

  1. Open the peel pouch and remove the contents. Aseptically unscrew and remove the cap from the ESwab.

  2. Place the tube in a secure position so as not to allow the liquid to leak out of the tube.

  3. Remove the swab. Collect the patient's sample using the swab. 

  4. Insert the swab back into the tube of liquid, all the way to the bottom of the tube.

  5. Holding the swab shaft close to the rim of the tube, break the applicator shaft at the color breakpoint indication line.

  6. Screw the cap on tightly to prevent leakage. Discard the broken handle of the shaft into an approved medical waste disposal container.

  7. Write the patient's information (Name and Date of Birth) on the tube or apply a label with patient’s information. Indicate source.

  8. Send specimen to the Laboratory.

Specimen Transport Temperature: Ambient

Specimen Stability

Ambient:5 hours, as long as the collector has perforated the foil for the release of the CO2 and the Intray is appropriately sealed. Send ESwab to the laboratory as soon as possible.

Refrigeration (Eswab only): 24 hours

Laboratory Retention:4 days

Test Frequency

Available daily, TAT 1-3 days.

Reference Range

No Neisseria gonorrhoeae isolated

Performing Department


Performing Department Laboratory Location

Corewell Health Reference Laboratory, Grand Rapids, MI





CDM Code


Epic Test ID


Reviewed Date
